The problem
In almost every lab where there is a a microscope, there is a need to document images. But the needs varies largely for different labs and organizations. In the easiest case you probably just want to capture one or a few images, save it to file, and later use them in some kind of report. In the more advanced scenario, you might have requirement to document all samples analyzed, with thousands or even hundred of thousands images per year.
Almost certainly you want to share your images with others and even with other labs or departments in your organization.
Our products can do all the above. This article is to explain which products might suit you best.
This bundle focus on visual inspection and image storage or achiving.
The software is designed to be used in both Life Science applications and Metalurgical applications.
Despite beeing our entry level software, it offers a wide varriety of tools making it the best microscopy software for image documentation on the market.
CAPTURE using proffesional cameras
Capture video from a variarity of cameras. The software has been optimized for use with microscopy, which makes it super easy to use, and allows you to get great and well exposed images very quickly with beeing a camera expert.
With native support for Allied Vision and IDS Imaging (uEye) cameras, usage is very simply, and yet you get the best out from the cameras. Both these vendors offers a wide range of cameras.

Do you have both a stereo microscop and a light microscope? Calibrate each microscope and magnifications individually. All images you take will have the calibration and objective name, along with date, place, users etc, stored into the image file for all future.

Archive images
Archive your images as a files, or if you have large quantities of images, in a database.
With the built in Image Explorer you easily save images to you local drive, network drive or OneDrive/SharePoint storage.
If using the database, you group related images into a case, add your meta data, such as batch no, customer or material, to the case for easy retrival later. The images are of course stored with the calibration, making it possible measure at a later time. You can even allow your team or customer to access the image archive from any PC with free Picsara Viewer software. The database supports Local storage in MS Access DB or into SQL and SQL Azure for secure and limitless storage.

Add annotations such as text or arrows into your image to highlight important features.
Add scale bars to show the size of the image.
Choose to have the annotation non-destructive "on top" of the image or burnt into the actual image, so it can be seen in other softwares.

Interactive measurEments
Perform simple measurments such as Length/Width/Distance, Area or the outline of an object, in a calibrated fashion. Use magnifyer glas to zoom into small objects, or use the scroll wheel to change to size of the whole image.

Compare images
Use the comparison tool to compare images side by side. Compare images from diffrent samples, or store your comparison set for future comparison with live image.

create ReporTs
Create stunning reports with ease, either by simply "copy-paste" you images to Word document, or use one of the reporting tools to create stunning and repetetiv reports.
Load images from other sources, such as from your elecron microscope or digital camera, and add them to you database or reports as well, keeping all you images at one place.