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Release History

2024 Beta
September 26, 2024
  • 64-bit version, now supporting larger and more images

  • (Observe, support for DirectShow unfortunatelly not supported in Win64)

  • New Image Explorer, easier access and work with images in folders (similart to File Explorer in windows)

  • New activation and registration process. Now also possible to activate and register off-line.

  • Several improvments with Compare Window

  • Improvements to log file

  • Completely re-written installer software

  • Office integration now supports Office 365 .dotm and .xlsm files

  • Bug fixes:

  • Burn-in and Blob Measurement issues fixed!

  • Crop and Panning issues, fixed!

  • Fixed crashbug in Script engine.

  • Fixed issues with "wrapped" images when cropping to odd sizes!

  • Grid and Camera Spot Measure painting offseted in high zoom. Fixed!

  • Fixed bug with Auto-thresholding crashing. Fixed!

  • ROI Rectangle issues when mixing diffrent calibration units, Fixed!

  • Overview image not minimized, when main image minimized. Fixed

  • Advance Search show wrong default value upon restart. Fixed!

  • Issues with "Add scalebar" automatically. Fixed!

  • Several other minor 

2023 (13.0 build )
November 1, 2023
  • Win 11 compatible

  • Major GUI improvment, now supporting dockable windows and restoring of previous state.

  • Completely rewritten Image Montage/stitching module

  • Completely rewritten Mutifocus module* 

  • Several major improvments in memory handling and memory leaks, and now handles out of memory issues better

  • Fixed several crash bugs 

  • Now always restores dialogs and windows in the visble area, even after changing resolution.

  • Fixed issue with some images loaded wrong 

  • Fixed issue with saving/updating of config file, now less likely to lose Site Code etc

  •  Fixed bugs and improved memory usage in Blob measurement

  •  Fixed some minor GUI and mouse cursor issues

  •  Fixed some weird error messages (especially when using script)

  • Improved usability for measurement labels

  • Fixed calibration line, now always defaults to be inside the images

  • Several fixes to the Welds tool

  • Fixed some issues with Circular ASTM tools

  • Fixed issue with not beeing able to use ROI with Analysis tools

2022 (12.8 build 5118)
July 9, 2023
  • Fixed bug, measurement stops working if clicking at a label  (Affected Circular GrainSize, Radius tool and other tools with multiple steps)

2022 (12.7 build 5117)
April 19, 2023
  • Fixed a bug that changed the image size when freezing (in some computer setups occations)

  • Fixed a bug that made the ASTM Intercept line tool randomly stop working

2022 (12.6 build 5116)
April 10, 2023
  • Restored functionality to support old Buehler IMG files.

  • Several improvments with the result window, for example rembers visability of columns and by default show more relevant information and less clutter.

  • Fixed bug in where image size changes after freeze (only some cameras, and if not having window fully maximized)

  • Fixed bug where moving adjustable measurments (like parallel measure and ASTM) sometimes brought up the wrong cursor and caused weired exceptions.

  • Fixed potential bug of Mouse suddenly disapering

  • General code improvements 

2022 (12.5 build 5115)
April 5, 2023
  • Fixed bug in Pixara installer, fixing errounlous behaviour if upgrading without de-installing.  (bug did not affect Omnimet)

  • Fixed bug with Text-box annotation adorners (corners). Now much easier to resize and move textbox.

  • Fixed drag-and-drop bug of images into Compare Tool Window

  • Statistic Window and Routine Window position now always restored on visible location

  • Improvements with ASTM Intercept measurement, fixing issue if user clicks a short line by mistake.

  • Fixed icon flashing in task bar upon start.

  • Fixed several memory leaks and out memory/exeptions bugs.

2022 (12.4 build 5114)
March 21, 2023
  • Now possible to save personal camera default settings

  • Camera Settings dialog position is now rembered between sessions

  • Improved default toolbar layout (first time)

  • Windows that are saved outside visible area (perhaps after changing screen resolution) are now displayed in a visible position.

2022 (12.3 build 5113)
March 18, 2023
  • Removed Old GDI Drawing Mode since it has now been fully replaced by Direct 2D Mode

  • Improved presentation of Angle result for small angled measurements

  • Now possible to add images of different size to montage window (Making it possible to build a very large montage of montage images)

  • Fixed bug: in Camera Settings, RGB Gain values now updated when pressing Default 

2022 (12.3 build 5112)
March 9, 2023
  • Added “Pixel Clock Limiter” for IDS uEye Native
    This should make it possible to connect old IDS USB cameras in Native mode. 

  • Added warning if using to high Pixel Clock with IDS USB-2 cameras.

  • Added support Allied Cameras Mono cameras

  • Stability and performance fixes for Allied Cameras

  • Fixed bandwith Limit Settings for Allied not remembered between sessions.

  • GUI Improvements for Allied Vison Settings

  • Improved Missing frame counter for IDS Native 

  • Fixed issue not possible to drag image into Case after using Annotation.

  • Fixed issue not being able to assign database forms to departments

  • Improved logging

2022 (12.2 build 5108)
December 25, 2022
  • Now possible to set processing mode for Allied cameras
    (On camera, On Host or Mono)
    This change should make it possible to use higer refreshrate for Allied cameras weaker computers.

  • Added support for Allied U500 Color cameras (and many more)

  • Added Bandwith Limiter for Allied cameras

2022 (12.2)
August 10, 2022
  • Added new function "Camera Health" to get a in depth analysis of camera and computer performance, issus and bottlenecs. Implemented for IDS Native and Allied Vision cameras (Not Direct Show)

  • Added Device Link Limiter for Allied cameras

  • GUI Improvments for the grids

  • Several other minor GUI improvments

  • Several SQL database related improvments and bug fixes

  • Improved performance for Blob measurements

  • Added Link

  • Fixed bug when doing calibratations on a panned image

  • Fixed bug with Scale bar tool

  • Fixed crash bug when using Create database for non-english versions

  • Fixed bug with Radius tool

  • Fixed bug when loading some images with odd width

  • Fixed bug with Angle (parallel lines) tool

  • Fixed color issue for Alllied cameras

  • Fixed design for login dialog

  • Fixed memory leaks and other "rare" crash bugs

  • Error mamagement Improvmens to Excel reports

  • Optimization for the Script Builder

2022 (12.1)
March 23, 2022
  • Added support for Allied Vision Alvium camera range

  • Now possible to measure with magnifyer glass by pressing Shift while doing measurement

  • Fixed Memory leaks for the Montage Window, now possible to work with more images.

  • Improved Auto place and Auto burn in scale bar

  • Now possible to use very long passwords

  • Added waring message is using IDS Driver 4.95 (or newer)

  • Measurements settings now accesible from popup menu

  • Removed Retina function  (remenants from Medical version)

  • Removed "Boxy" grid (not used)

  • New Splash Screen 

  • Improved error management in the compare windows 

  • Improvments in the Count dialog

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