The problem
In almost every lab where there is a a microscope, there is a need to document images. But the needs varies largely for different labs and organizations. In the easiest case you probably just want to capture one or a few images, save it to file, and later use them in some kind of report. In the more advanced scenario, you might have requirement to document all samples analyzed, with thousands or even hundred of thousands images per year.
Almost certainly you want to share your images with others and even with other labs or departments in your organization.
Our products can do all the above. This article is to explain which products might suit you best.
CusTomer Support
Customer support is primarily given to you through the partner you brought the software from. If you brought the software from us directly or if you for some other reason not receive the support you like, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.
All support tickets will be filed into our support management system (Zendesk), and for every ticket you open a new corresponding e-mail will be sent. You can add or correspond with support simply by responding to this e-mail.
Always try to provide us with as much relevant information as possible, and we will do our best to solve you issue.